Blaydon Town Centre, Gateshead
Asset management, refurbishment and new development of the town centre

Blaydon Town Centre, Gateshead
A 1970’s Shopping Centre that is the town centre, was in need of significant improvement
Key Facts
- A joint venture with Rockspring to asset manage, refurbish and develop.
- The town centre had a number of investment and development opportunities.
- 93,000 sq ft of existing space.
- Planning permission and purchase of council land achieved for major enlargement.

Project Highlights
- Permission achieved to double the size of the centre.
- Prelet 70,000 sq ft supermarket to Morrisons and 20,000 sq ft to Home Bargains and Poundland.
- Asset management of the centre increased both the income by 43% and the lease length by 52%.
- Acquired the site of a Doctors Surgery and built a new facility for the practice.
- All done within 4 years.

Rolls-Royce, Mavor Avenue, East Kilbride
A redundant brownfield industrial site where planning was obtained for a mixture of uses

Murdoch House, Uddingston
A purpose built call centre with re-development potential

Crompton Way, Irvine
A distribution warehouse with surplus land and residential allocation

Mugiemoss Road, Aberdeen
An 83 acre brownfield site, where planning was obtained for 900 residential units

Blaydon Town Centre, Gateshead
Asset management, refurbishment and new development of the town centre

Haddington, Scotland