Haddington, Scotland
A brown field site purchased without planning permission
Haddington, Scotland
The site was purchased and planning obtained for a mixed-use, predominantly residential scheme
Key Facts
- The building had been largely vacant for years.
- Allocated as Employment land.
- Surrounding sites had permission/allocation for alternative uses, mostly residential.
Project Highlights
- Purchased off the market, without planning permission for residential.
- 13 acre site with 200,000 sq ft of redundant industrial accommodation.
- Planning achieve for 112 houses, a drive through café and commercial space.
- Bought for £1,100,000, sold for £6,000,000.
Murdoch House, Uddingston
A purpose built call centre with re-development potential
Crompton Way, Irvine
A distribution warehouse with surplus land and residential allocation
Rolls-Royce, Mavor Avenue, East Kilbride
A redundant brownfield industrial site where planning was obtained for a mixture of uses
Mugiemoss Road, Aberdeen
An 83 acre brownfield site, where planning was obtained for 900 residential units
Blaydon Town Centre, Gateshead
Asset management, refurbishment and new development of the town centre
Haddington, Scotland